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May, 2015:

Fast Cash

There’s been a lot in the news lately about the new video game Yooka-Laylee (get it?). It’s the flagship product of a new company called Playtonic Games, which features a lot of the creative staff from Rare. And this new game is considered to be a spiritual successor to the wildly-popular Banjo & Kazooie series. But that’s not what’s got people talking. This is: Playtonic put up a Kickstarter campaign to finance the game… and they reached their initial multi-thousand British pound goal in less than 40 minutes. That’s got to be some kinda record, we think. “Yooka-Laylee (yes, like the tiny guitar) is a 3D platformer starring Yooka, a bipedal lizard-like dude, and Laylee, a purple “wisecracking lady-bat.” They have unique abilities, such as Yooka’s tongue-grapple and Laylee’s tactical sonar blast, and together these best buds explore five worlds filled with weird characters and feisty bosses. Also, one of the abilities is a “giant fart bubble.” Playtonic knows the way to its players’ hearts.” And their pocketbooks, it would seem. Head on over to Engadget to find out more.

image c. 2015 Playtonic Games

image c. 2015 Playtonic Games

We Are Truly Honored.

Now It Can Be Told: You, the Furry Fans of the world (literally) have selected to receive an Ursa Major Award as the Best Anthropomorphic Magazine of 2014. Your humble ed-otter, myself, is moved beyond words by this great honor — our first award of any kind. What more can I say? Thank you to all those who voted, including those who voted for the other fine, fine entries in the magazine category. Continue to look at them, continue to look at us.  Together we will try to bring you the best of what Furry Fandom and furry media have to offer. And remember: If you like what we do, Tip Generously! We’ll be here tomorrow and the day after that with more news.

image c. 2015 by Foxenawolf

image c. 2015 by Foxenawolf