[First off, a happy and safe Fourth of July to you and your loved ones. Goddess Bless America!] We’ve previously mentioned the fantasy comic Spirit Leaves. Now Chapterhouse have released the full 5-issue story arch as a single trade paperback. “Scottish-born Rossi Gifford’s debut series has been hailed as ‘a beautifully rendered surreal adventure’ by Ramon Perez, and a ‘dynamic and involving with a gorgeous color palette’ by Dave Gibbons (Watchmen). Freya, an albino deer girl training to be a shaman, sets off to the mystical forest to find out what is causing an imbalance. Along the journey, she meets a wolf boy looking for the same entity, and they agree to find it together. This volume collects the complete 5-issue series plus extras!”

image c. 2017 Chapterhouse