Once again Drawn & Quarterly bring us something interesting: Birds of Maine, a new graphic novel written and illustrated by Michael DeForge. “Long after the demise of humankind, birds roam freely around the Moon complete with fruitful trees, sophisticated fungal networks, and an enviable socialist order. The universal worm feeds all, there are no weekends, and economics is as fantastical a study as unicorn psychology. No concept of money or wealth plagues the thoughts of these free-minded birds. Instead, there are angsty teens who form bands to show off their best bird song and other youngsters who yearn to become clothing designers even though clothes are only necessary during war. (The truly honorable professions for most birds are historian or librarian.) These birds are free to crush on hot pelicans and live their best lives… until a crash-landed human from Earth threatens to change everything.” Available now in hardcover. [And with that, we’ll see you after Midwest Fur Fest!]

image c. 2022 Drawn & Quarterly