According to an article over at Comics Beat, IDW Comics have managed to strike a deal with the infamous Dave Sim, president of Aardvark-Vanaheim Publishers. Now they’re working to bring together more than 300 covers from the Mr. Sim the artist and writer’s famous creation, Cerebrus the Aardvark, together in one full-color hardcover collection. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the earth pig, so look for this new book from IDW this coming January.
Cerebus the Aardvark
Aardvarks and more
Dave Sim’s very, very strange journey to creating his world-famous Cerebus the Aardvark series is now reflected upon in Dave’s new bi-monthly black & white publication, Cerebus Archive (from Aardvark-Vanaheim, of course). From his earliest cartoon creation, The Beavers, to his first professionally published comic book story Cry of the White Wolf (with art by Stan Connerty), it’s all here, plus a lot of extras — including some of Dave’s early rejection slips from major comic book publishers!