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Comic Books

She Returns To Help The Dragons

In the past we talked about Katie O’ Neill, and we briefly mentioned her award-winning graphic novel The Tea Dragon Society. Well now she’s back with a brand new sequel, The Tea Dragon Festival, that’s available now in hardcover from Oni Press. “Rinn has grown up with the Tea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turns out to be a different matter entirely! Aedhan is a young dragon who was appointed to protect the village, but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago. With the aid of Rinn’s adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, they investigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep… but Rinn’s real challenge is to help Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he has lost.”

image c. 2020 Oni Press

Back The Rainbow

This last summer brought as a brand new Care Bares series on Boomerang, Care Bears: Unlock The Magic — and to go with it, a brand new tie-in comic book series from IDW. “Welcome to the Silver Lining, a mystical realm full of mirth and magic! The Care Bears, along with their pals the Whiffles, protect this realm from the negative influence of the mischievous Bluster and his Bad Crowd! With engaging, unique characters and an irreverent and heartwarming sense of humor, this new series is perfect for anyone looking for more magic in their lives!” Featuring art by Agnes Garbowska of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fame. All three issues of the comic mini-series are available now.

image c. 2019 IDW Publishing

Feed That Monster — Or Else!

Drew Brockington, creator of the CatStronauts series of books (which we talked about!) has returned with a brand new full-color graphic novel called Hangry for younger readers. “When a young lizard monster gets a hankering for his favorite hot dog spot, he takes the train all the way to the city — only to find that the place is closed for vacation. But when this little monster gets too hungry, he starts to get angry. And when he gets hangry, this poor city is at risk of a full-scale monster attack. As his rage swells, so does he, until he’s the size of a skyscraper, and it falls to the citizens to find him some food — and fast!” Look for it in hardcover from Little Brown Books.

image c. 2019 Little Brown Books

Quest of Bat and Lizard

Hey, remember that game we talked about called Yooka-Laylee? Well recently D.M. Cumbo and the folks at Dreamprism Press completed a successful Kickstarter campaign for Yooka-Layle and the Kracklestone, a new hardcover full-color graphic novel. “The story sees Yooka and Laylee plunged into a brand new secret tome world in a race against the evil Capital B to reach the legendary ‘Kracklestone’, an ancient artifact fabled to grant its holder invincibility. To reach the treasure, they’ll run, swim, trip, tumble, and fly through nine distinct, character-filled landscapes. They will encounter friends, foes, and some in-between… including plenty of fan favorites from the game!” The Kickstarter page is still up, and it features lots of art and background materials.

image c. 2019 Dreamprism Press

You’ve Heard Of Them Before

Of late IDW have become the new home for any number of well-known comic book properties, furry and otherwise. And this includes our old buddies the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well now IDW have offered up a little bit of when the Turtles were housed at another publisher — and had some rather popular adventures. Look for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends, Volume 1. “This is it, fans! You demanded itthe entire Image Comics TMNT run (a.k.a. TMNT Volume 3) reproduced for the first time ever in full, four-color glory! Join creators Gary Carlson and Frank Fosco as they take the Heroes in a Half-Shell on some of their most amazing, dangerous, and bizarre adventures ever… culminating in three brand-new issues by Carlson and Fosco to properly close out this long-beloved storyline at last!” Check it out over at IDW’s web site.

image c. 2019 IDW Publishing

And Yes, He Eats Hot Dogs

Since his appearance in the multiple-award-winning film Spider Man: Into the Spiderverse, Spider Ham (aka Peter Porker) has been gaining in popularity again. Now you can get a big heapin’ helping of the web-pig a new trade paperback from Marvel — Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider Ham: The Complete Collection Volume 1. “Go whole hog with the Spectacular Spider-Ham’s animal antics! What started as a porcine parody one-shot soon became a hilarious ongoing series full of anthropomorphized adventurers! Peter Porker is a photographer for J. Jonah Jackal’s Daily Beagle — but when danger strikes, he fights crime alongside hirsute heroes such as Hulk Bunny, Captain Americat and the Fantastic Fur! Can Spider-Ham triumph over fearsome foes like Ducktor Doom, Bull-Frog, the King-Pig and the Bee-yonder — while keeping the young Beagle Brigadiers out of trouble and still managing to bring home the bacon? Plus: Thrr, Dog of Thunder stars in “Tails of Arfgard”! Here comes Deerdevil, Mammal Without Fear! Nick Furry, Agent of S.H.E.E.P.! Goose Rider! The invincible Iron Mouse! Croak and Badger! The astonishing Ant-Ant! And more zoological puns!” You heard ’em here. Check it out over at Comixology. [And of course, we wish you a Merry Christmas!]

image c. 2019 Marvel Comics

Kawai Ponies!

We didn’t even know they did this — My Little Pony: The Manga. “The world of My Little Pony comes alive in this distinctive manga series that spotlights each of the Mane 6 and a host of other characters from the land of Equestria! When Pinkie Pie lends a hoof to help Twilight Sparkle and Spike clean up the castle Library, she discovers a mysterious mirror with the power to gaze into alternate realities. Upon entering the portal-like mirror, Pinkie Pie sets off a chain of events that could spell doom for Equestria! Follow this adventure–and many more–in this hilarious new manga series for fans of all ages.” Written by David Lumsdon, illustrated by Shiel, and published by Seven Seas, it’s available now in paperback.

image c. 2019 Seven Seas

Diamonds and Throwing Stars

First off, our belated Thanksgiving gratitude to YOU, our readers. We hope to keep informing you for years to come! Now then… do you remember when we covered a graphic novel called Fuzzy Baseball, written and illustrated by John Steven Gurney? Well he’s back again in full color with Fuzzy Baseball 2: Ninja Baseball Blast. “Talk about away games! The Fernwood Valley Fuzzies will fly to the far side of the Foamy Sea to take the field against the Sashimi City Ninjas. This will be the first time any Big League Baseball team has faced a team from the mysterious Manga Baseball League.” The fight of many centuries is out there now in hardcover from Papercutz.

image c. 2019 Papercutz

The Same Thing He Does Every Night…

Here’s one from last year we somehow missed, but we’re glad we found it now: Atomic Frenchie, a full-color graphic novel series. “When Kirby, a French Bulldog with a serious Napoleon Complex, moves to a new home in the quaint New England town of Strasburg, Massachusetts, and stumbles upon a forgotten secret laboratory, he realizes that his dreams of Planetary Conquest are finally within paw’s reach. But, suddenly, Kirby realizes he isn’t alone. Seemingly out of nowhere, a strange group of people appear, exhibiting what Kirby can only describe as superpowers! Kirby must rise up against all who stand in his way to emerge victorious in this ultimate quest for world domination.” We’re up to Volume 2 by now, written by Tom Sniegoski and illustrated by Tom McWeeney. (Look, we don’t make these things up…) Both volumes are available now in hardcover from Insight Comics.

image c. 2019 Insight Comics